Continuous Professional Development

                          A general overview of processes of CPD Service Provision

As the first step in CPD implementation is the identification of health professionals’ gaps in service delivery, our center will conduct assessments to identify the areas that will needs improvements through training. Following identification of CPD needs, if the identified areas of courses are not yet approved, the center will apply for CPD courses to be approved; if already approved, the center will provide training using already approved training materials by obtaining from the ministry of health of Ethiopia.
The modalities of the CPD will be primarily face-to-face that will integrate practical and theoretical components to enhance the quality of health services and through time other modalities may be considered being following directions given from the federal ministry of health of Ethiopia.

Overview of Bisidimo hospital health  science college CPD center


https://www.bhhsc.edu.et/ RCB has full of experience on training and recruiting graduates

from its former technical and Vocational school. But on health

aspect it is its first time that the hospital received and trained

students on Radiography, Pharmacy and Laboratory on TVET

Level IV programs in Collaboration with OHB.

 Of these Radiography department was the first field which have

been started training Radiography technicians (TVET) on 2010

E.C and a total of 22 students were trained and then 49 Pharmacy

and 47 Laboratory students were trained and graduated on TVET

program as first graduate of our college .

 On the second batch two departments were included (Anesthesia

level 5 and HE level 4 ) also graduated and have been recruited in

different part of Oromia

 The third batch Except Anesthesia and HEW the rest were

graduated and send to OHB .

 Currently our college is preparing for the fourth batch Reception.